Monday, 6 February 2012

A Pair of Proud Dirt Owners

Finally the time has come to hand over the first large piece of cash in this project - meaning that ...

The Land is Ours!

Such a very exciting milestone: one that seems to occur in a very unexciting way - hand over the signed documents, hand over the cheque and we're done. But none the less, Doug and I are very excited and proud of ourselves.

During our Skype celebrations (Doug is back sailing the high seas, to which I am told they are very high today!) we were commenting on how slow the process is and how impatient we both are. After spending years working at sea we are used to the speed with which cruise ship life works and it will take time for us both to adjust to "normal life". With registration not happening until the end of May (finally a date has appeared on The Ponds website!) we are relieved that we have time to decide on a house and work out finance, but we also want the process to hurry up so we can see our own castle appear before our eyes.

I'm busy trying to decide on the best home for us, then taking lots of photos of display homes to email to Doug for his stamp of approval. As soon as we find one we love, work out costing etc, I'm out looking again "just to be sure" and I find another new love! I'm sure this process will keep going until we finally commit to a particular house.

But today is about the land and our small stamp on property in Sydney ... the countdown to drinks on our own turf can now begin!

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